
Team Visual Solutions offers a variety of specialty coatings, such as Polyurethane and Metallic finishes.

We believe in providing reliability and high-quality workmanship standards on every project, irrespective of their size and scope. We work with you to determine the right kind of spray-painting services that fit your display requirements.

Our complete range of coating services includes Powder Coating, Spray Painting, Corrosion Protection and Fire Retardant Coatings. Our spacious workshop also houses two spray booths, which are operated separately to increase productivity.

Spray painting MDF, Acrylic or any metal substrate, requires a delicate touch. Being a full-fledged manufacturing company, we have years of experience producing finished displays and retail fixtures of the highest quality. We know exactly how to control the painting finishing coat you need; matte, satin or high gloss.

We are also equipped to match any color you choose, by referring to the manufactures paint, or via a sample board provided by you. We have upgraded our painting facility by adding chrome coating and metallization. These processes can be applied to an endless number of substrates or components.

Chrome Coating

This is a highly flexible system that allows us to finish your product with a chrome effect. We have successfully chromed over multiple different surfaces, including wood, glass and acrylic to achieve an impeccable reflective finish. Each job is hand sprayed and individually finished. Each product is carefully worked on by a skilled and experienced chrome technician.


Metallisation helps in obtaining a metallic finish on any non-metallic materials, such as MDF, Fiberglass and plastic. Depending on the desired result, the coating can consist of metal powders, such as copper, aluminum, brass, silver and gold. Metallisation mimics the impression of real metal plating and is eco-friendly as well. This process can improve the appearance of any of your displays by giving it a beautiful shiny look.


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