How IRON MAN Deals with Coronavirus

Imagine your heart was connected to a car battery that could kill you any second.

Now imagine you’re also trapped in a cave, hiding from the terrorists that kidnapped you and tried to kill you.

Also (minor detail) prior to this…

You were a billionaire, a playboy and an inventor.

Or in other words: Someone with a lot to lose.

And all of a sudden…you’re not.

Sound familiar? 

Tony Stark had every reason to give up.

He (literally) lost his heart. He was in a cave. No one was going to find him.

But Tony didn’t do that did he?

He accepted he had no choice, got resourceful and with that resourcefulness built a piece of technology that would end up saving humanity.

(Meet TVS’ very own IRON MAN, forged in our own cave)

In the meanwhile, while building that technology he also rebuilt HIMSELF.

He retooled himself from the inside out.

He evolved as a human being.

He became a much better leader for his friends, family and team.  

What does this mean for your business or brand?

What if being isolated from the market place right now isn’t a punishment.

What if it’s not a bad thing.

What if you are finding yourself in our own CAVE right now and you have the same choice that Tony did?

You can rebrand. You can retool. You can readjust.

LVMH Went From Perfume to Hand Sanitizer in Just 72 Hours.

Dyson Went From vacuum cleaners to manufacturing ventilators for hospitals in10 days

Or if it comes to it, you can rebuild. 

You can learn new skills, develop new habits.

You can take control. 

You can come out of this thing better than the way you went in.

In these uncertain times,

You have a choice.

Either you can hide and wait for the storm to pass (however long that takes)

Or PIVOT and adapt your business to grow in these times!

Use this free time to tap into that creative genius that enabled you to create the business you have today.

If you need too, give us a call or send us an email so we can discuss how to bring your adaptations into actuality. 

And when this is finally over and the world can come back outside.

Team Visual Solutions will be waiting for you.

Just something I wanted you to think about today.

Happy Quarantining,


Rasul Chatoo



P.S. We moved our Iron Man to the front door for one reason.

He is a reminder to never give up.

This embodies the ethos of TVS and now more than ever, we need to stand by this principle.

Stay Safe.

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